Once your child enters elementary school, they may attend our School-Age Program which caters to children ages 5 to 12 years old.
Before & After School Program
The Before & After School Program operates during the public/private elementary school year from September through mid-June. The elementary school transportation situation varies from center to center; please contact your local Town & Country center for additional information. Before school, children are able to eat breakfast (brought from home) and participate in classroom activities with preschoolers or other school age children. When children arrive in the afternoon, they have a nutritious snack provided by Town & Country, do their homework with teacher assistance, spend time outside, socialize with friends, and independently choose classroom centers including board games, blocks/Legos, art, and sensory activities. Children may attend either before or after school, or both before and after school.
School-Age Program
(participating centers)
The School-Age Program is available for public/private elementary school half days, holidays, school vacations, and weather related closings. Enrollment should be arranged prior to half days, holidays, and vacations. Town & Country Early Learning Centers are usually open for most public/private elementary school weather-related closings and are able to accommodate school-age children; however, we do ask that parents call and confirm a vacancy before arriving at their center. All school-age children attending Town & Country must have a current health assessment (physical) on file.
Our Locations
Location: 1137 West Street Southington, CT 06489
Telephone: 860.628.7900
Fax: 860.628.3656
School Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30a to 6:00p
Location: 111 Norwich Ave. Colchester, CT 06415
Telephone: 860.603.5005
Fax: 860.603.5147
School Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30a to 6:00p